Melon - Honeydew

$5.95 per kg


The Honeydew melons weigh around 900gm to 1kg each Honeydew melon is a variety of Muskmelon that originated in France and is considered the sweetest of all melons. Scientific Binomial Name: Cucumis melo Usage: Raw in fruit salads, yogurt, or in fruit platters. Selection: Good-quality Honeydew melon will turn a creamy yellow color and the skin will have a slightly waxy feel when ripe. They will be firm with a small amount of softness at the stem and will be fairly large - those weighing about 5 pounds have the best flavor. Sometimes, the seeds of an especially juicy melon will rattle if the melon is shaken. Avoid product that is too firm, too soft, has dark blemishes on the skin or is green-colored. Storage: Uncut Honeydew melon can be kept at room temperature for two to four days or until ripe. Ripe Honeydews can be refrigerated for an additional 5 days. Cut melons should be placed in a covered container and refrigerated for no more than three days. Keep in mind that Honeydws have a strong odor that will saturate other foods. Ripening: After picking melons will ripen but their sugar content does not increase much. At room temperature it takes up to four days for melons to ripen and get more juicy. Melons are ethylene sensitive, so they ripen faster if stored with ethylene-producing frui NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Honeydew melon is low in Sodium and Calories, and very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It's also a good source of Vitamin B6, Folate and Potassium, and a very good source of Vitamin C. TIPS & TRIVIA Wash honeydew in warm soapy water prior to cutting to eliminate impurities on the rind that could be transferred from the knife to the melon's flesh. Next, slice the Honeydew in half and remove the seeds and strings. Melons can be cut into halves, quarter