Lavender Cam Balm

$24.40 each


• Crimson Seedless: light red, oval-shaped grape with a thick skin, firm crisp flesh and a sweet neutral juicy flavour. Available from February to May. Choosing the best grapes • Table grapes are picked by hand to avoid bruising and to ensure the best selection. • When buying grapes, reach for firm, plump clusters that are securely attached to their stems – which should be green, not brown. • Also, look for a silvery coating on red and black varieties. This is a natural bloom – not dust – that protects the fruit’s freshness. • Table grapes develop natural sugars as they ripen on the vine, but they do not become any sweeter once picked. So always choose grapes that are ready to eat. • When stored correctly in an airtight plastic container, grapes will stay fresh for up to a few weeks if refrigerated at very cool temperatures. Serve grapes slightly chilled to enhance their natural crispness.
BayLeaf Herbals