Beans - Round

$29.60 per kg


Approx 20 Beans = a handful = 125g. Sonya from Organic Point are our growers of the freshest, crispest beans you will ever taste. Twice a week we get deliveries to ensure you get the freshest possible. French beans are a member of the Fabaceae family along with the common bean, pulses and peas. They are specifically bred and cultivated for their pods versus their seeds. This designates them as a fresh picking bean versus a canning bean or a bean grown for dry use as a legume. There are several types of French bean varieties and they can be found in colors of green, yellow and purple. French beans are harvested anywhere from three to four inches in length, when their texture and flavor is at its peak. French beans have a thin, cylindrical shape with plump indentations along their contour, outlining the peas inside, which are shelled tightly within the bean flesh. The peas, which are essentially the bean's seeds, are a vibrant lime green in color, semi starchy in texture with a mild taste of the beans sweet and grassy flavors. French beans provide less starch and protein than dried bean varieties, though they have higher levels of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Young French bean pods may be prepared whole, eaten raw, or lightly steamed or sauteed. Use in salads or saute with other vegetables and may also be canned and quick-pickled. Pair with summer vegetables such as squash, eggplant, and tomatoes; compliment with fresh herbs, citrus, nuts, raisins or currants, and mild cheeses. French green beans will keep refrigerated for up to two weeks.